Sunday, April 19, 2009


I'm feeling really depressed right now. For some reason I feel like I've been forgotten by everyone. I'm sick of living where I'm at. I don't feel like my cleaning and whatnot is appreciated around here. My friends girlfriend that lives here continues to gossip and say horrible things about me. I seriously wouldn't be surprised if she was plotting to get me kicked out. If that happens, then so be it.

My spring break has been pretty crappy. I'm not looking forward to going back to my classes. If I could, I'd drop them right now. My art appreciation isn't teaching me anything, and I doubt I'll use my history class for anything. I just wish I could sing..You have no idea how bad I wish I could do that (and by sing, I mean actually using my diaphragm. I have trouble doing that). I just want to play passionate music and tour the world. I see people like "Soulja Boy" (for example) making a living doing what he loves (and lets face it..his music is garbage) and it depresses me. I just wish I was doing something with my self right now. I don't have too much going for me at the moment.

I have a few friends that I hold dear at the moment..I don't even see them that often. I hope I'll feel least on Tuesday. I feel like I don't even exist right now.

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