Friday, October 3, 2008

Ups and Downs

I might get fired already from Target. Apparently, I'm "Too Slow" as a Cashier. I don't feel like I'm "Slacking Off", or "Being Lazy", Because It took me about..7 months to get hired somewhere..So why would I not take it seriously.

However, I've met this one Team Leader who's a major A-Hole. I don't even think he's in charge of the cashiers. I seriously can't stand him, and I've actually already reported him for his BS antics. I'm usually pretty easy to get along with, but I won't stand for being treated as if I'm "Worthless" or "Insignificant".

I figure, If I stay at Target, cool. If I get fired, cool, because I won't have to deal with being treated like crap.

It just sucks because I'd be in a struggle again..unless somehow more jobs would suddenly start hiring. The economy is crap right now though, so a lot of jobs hiring doesn't seem like a reality right now.

I'm pissed at my "Friend". My "Friend" gossiped about someone, yet he/she goes and hangs out with this person. I called (let's just say...) "Lucy" out on this once, and she said "Oh, I've only said one thing about him once. He's a great friend, and If you want to argue, then I will seriously humiliate you infront of your friends." .
Funny, isn't it?
"Lucy", does this all the time. It will usually be a weekend when everyones free and wants to chill, but she'll invite this guy over all the time.
I used to be friends with him, but he started acting like a little kid. He actually had this thing, where he would kick me as I would walk. I believe he's 23 or so..

So now I have to try to find something to do. These past few weekends have been crap because of "Lucy".


1 comment:

VOLLEYBALL <3er said...

Hey Bobby!!!! Sorry I hadnt replied in a while, I didnt check my profile for a longtime. haha! I dont think Im going to be able to get a myspace. good to hear from you!