Monday, June 8, 2009

When will I learn..

I'm such a hopeless romantic..Don't get me wrong though, I don't feel as if I need a woman in my life to make me happy, though i definitely wouldn't mind having one in my life right now. I started talking to another one..She's taken I'm not sure if anything will work out (as of right now), but she says that she would rather be with me, than her boyfriend. Sounds like a recipe for disaster, right? HA!

She says she wants to come visit me, but I'm not sure if that will happen anytime soon (or at all for that matter). I have a bad habit of talking to women who don't live by me. Just my luck, right?

Okay, so I'm going to stop now. Women to me..are personal. I rarely discuss anything with my friends about who I like, etc. I just feel as if it's my business only.

I've got finals tomorrow and on Wednesday. I'm stressing about tomorrow, because none of it is multiple choice..which makes it much more difficult for me. If it's multiple choice, then at least I can spot out a term/word and remember the story behind it. I'm not too worried about my art appreciation final. I'm going to be honest and say I'll probably cheat on some of it (I did it for my mid-terms).


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